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Monday, March 29, 2010

A Clean Environment through N-VIRO

A city stroll or a downtown walk often leads to an unexpected grasp of mundane implications and glamorous accomplishments. When I see the splendour of human activity and technology pace, I get dissuaded by the amount of resultant waste that flow beneath the imposing façade of progress. When I look around to enjoy the beauty that the world offers, the weight of my eyelids pulls down my stare to some slush in the canal and my rhinitis draws the stench of garbage towards my nostrils. It’s the price of progress.
And it could really be a price indeed. What with the new technology developed by N-Viro International Corporation. Bio-organic wastes such as wastewater sludge and unwanted solids could be upcycled into alternative energy. N-Viro’s patented technologies, which has been very successfully licensed throughout US and internationally, processes wastewater biosolids using certain alkaline waste from coal combustion electric generation, cement and lime production and turn these into opportunity fuels such as biomineral agricultural and soil enrichment products with real market value, generating sales exceeding $40 million since the last quarter of 1993. By stabilizing waste thru pasteurization and complete disinfection, such leftover residuals are transformed from unsightly environmental threat to renewable energy source.

View N-Viro Video
Now, the good news is that N-Viro International Corporation is going full scale by licensing its innovative technology to municipalities and even private companies. Their safe and efficient suite of green technologies harmonize each other through a unique concept of transforming waste products into a beneficial fertilizer or ultimately creating N-Viro Fuel, the so called ‘clean coal’, a renewable alternative fuel perfectly synergistic with the coal combustion industry.

With N-Viro technology fully implemented, my next stroll will be promising… Just visit their website at

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